Hi there! I'm David Heimann, a computer programmer in Brooklyn, NY.

This is my corner of the internet. I won't make any promises about what you'll find here, but I generally try to make it a place that I would enjoy if I stumbled onto it myself. I also find it helpful to use it to clarify my own thinking, a sort of map for where I am and where I might be going.

I'm currently working on the software team at Impilo. Before that I co-founded Brus and Purple, which we sold to theSkimm in 2019.

I like making things with computers. The fact that we have this incredible tool at our fingertips, where we can alter the world around us with a few keystrokes never ceases to amaze me. Most of all, I like making things that help people understand the world around them better, or that helps them make things themselves!

Recently, I've been working on a new kind of bookmarking website that works more like fuzzy search on top of a text conversation than a catalogue.

You can find me on Twitter and on Github.